NRSWA Re-assessment


Course Overview

Number of Delegates: Maximum 16

Duration: 2 Days


This NRSWA reassessment is required by all candidates wishing to renew their SWQR card.

It is recommended that candidates refresh their knowledge prior to attending the reassessment as no training is provided.

The following publications are useful for refreshing your knowledge;

  • An Introduction to the Use of Portable Vehicular Signals - ISBN - 9780115534638

  • Avoiding Danger from Underground Services – ISBN9780717665846

  • Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways. - 4th Ed., May 2010 – ISBN – 9780115539909

  • Safety at Street Works and Road Works - ISBN – 9780115531453

This is an open book reassessment and candidates will have access to all of the publications listed above during each assessment.


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Who Should Attend

This course is designed for delegates who already hold a current SWQR card that requires renewing.


Final Qualification

Successful operatives and supervisors will be issued with CABWI Certificates and an SWQR card.


Additional Information

The candidate must undertake one question paper per unit, the time allocated for each question paper is 45 minutes. The assessments are delivered electronically using tablets. Candidates have 45 minutes per assessment and can only be reassessed on units already held.

The pass mark for all re-assessed tests is 80% (16 out of 20) questions for each Street Works certificate.

All questions must be completed by the candidate.

The refresher test can only be undertaken in the English language, there is no facility to use interpreters.


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