Working at Height Training Online

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Introduction to Working at Height Training Online

The HSE has reported that falling from height remains the most common cause of workplace fatalities, accounting for nearly 3 in 10 fatal injuries to workers. With this in mind, it’s essential that employees have the information necessary to enable them to plan and manage any job tasks they undertake that involve working at height. This working at height training online covers the key requirements of The Work at Height Regulations 2005, the control hierarchy for working at height, safe work procedures and other safety requirements, how work restraint systems and fall arrest systems operate, the legal requirement for head protection and how and when bump caps and hard hats should be worn.


E-Learning Course Objectives:

  • Describe the key requirements of The Work at Height Regulations 2005.

  • State safe work procedures and other safety requirements.

  • Understand the control hierarchy for working at height.

  • Explain the legal requirement for head protection.

  • Describe how and when bump caps and hard hats should be worn.


Course Duration:

30 minutes



The online assessment consists of multiple choice questions.


Working at Height Training Online – Scaffold and Scaffold Towers

There have been many news headlines over the years highlighting the dangers of working at height, particularly when working from scaffolding. The injuries and fatalities range from electrocution, scaffold collapse, unguarded scaffolding or tools and machinery falling from scaffolding and hitting people below. This course gives details on how to use scaffolding towers safely, their basic components and the inspection system required for scaffolds.


E-Learning Course Objectives:

  • Detail how to use scaffolding towers safely.

  • Explain the difference between independent scaffolds and putlog scaffolds.

  • Detail the basic components of a scaffold.

  • Highlight the safe use of scaffolds.

  • Describe the inspection system that is required for scaffolds.


Course Duration:

30 minutes



The online assessment consists of multiple choice questions.


Working at Height Training with Access Equipment – Ladders, Stepladders and MEWPs Online

Ladders and stepladders can be a sensible and practical option for low-risk, short-duration tasks, whilst Mobile Elevated Working Platforms – or 'MEWPs' - are designed to provide a safe work platform for temporary work at height. This course will provide delegates with, and check their understanding of the consequences of ladder misuse and the circumstances under which a ladder or stepladder should be used. It also explains how to use ladders and stepladders safely and their inspection and maintenance requirements. It also gives insight into the risk controls required in respect of MEWPs.


E-Learning Course Objectives:

  • Detail the consequence of ladder misuse.

  • Describe the circumstances under which a ladder or stepladder should be used.

  • Explain how to use ladders and stepladders.

  • List ladder inspection and maintenance requirements.

  • List the risk controls required in respect of MEWPs.


Course Duration:

30 minutes



The online assessment consists of multiple choice questions.


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