men digging up raods

New Roads & Street Works (NRSWA) Training - Overview

New Roads & Street Works (NRSWA) training we offer is in line with The New Roads and Street Works Act 1991. The Act places a duty on any person or organisation undertaking work involving the installation, renewal, maintenance or inspection of underground apparatus in any street or road to ensure that work is under the control of competent persons.

When booking New Roads & Street Works training courses, you must refer to the official photos guidelines form, which is available to view view here


NRSWA Training from UTN Training

NRSWA Training courses are designed for Supervisors and Operatives who must carry out their duties to the standards prescribed by City & Guilds in line with the New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA), current legislation, and applicable Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP's). They are also known as "streetworks training" or "streetworks courses".

The New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) sets out the procedures and guidelines for personnel employed by local authorities, utilities companies and their contractors for any road works on the highway or footpaths. The Act and associated Codes of Practice cover issues such as the notification requirements, safety to highway users and the standards required of the reinstatement of all excavations on the highway, standards for signing, lighting and guarding, etc.


NRSWA Operatives – Cold Lay (LA, O1-O5 & O8)

To provide delegates with the skills and knowledge to perform operative duties to the standards prescribed by CABWI in-line with the NRSWA Act 1991 to safeguard themselves and others. Learn more about New Road and Street Works (NRSWA) Training with our helpful video. NRSWA Operatives

NRSWA Supervisors (LA, S1-S5 & S7)

To provide delegates with the skills and knowledge to perform Supervisor duties to the standards prescribed by CABWI in-line with the NRSWA Act 1991 to safeguard themselves and others. NRSWA Supervisors. NRSWA Supervisors


Location and Avoidance of Underground Apparatus

This course is designed to make candidates aware of the dangers of excavating on public highways and private land and train them to detect and avoid most buried apparatus. Location and Avoidance of Underground Apparatus


NRSWA Signing, Lighting and Guarding

This course will certify the successful candidate to set out traffic lights, signs, cones and barriers. As a Supervisor setting out traffic signage, you will need 01 and S1. 

NRSWA Signing, Lighting and Guarding Operative

NRSWA Signing, Lighting and Guarding Supervisor


NRSWA Re-assessment

This NRSWA reassessment is required by all candidates wishing to renew their SWQR card. It is recommended that candidates refresh their knowledge prior to attending the reassessment as no training is provided. There will be 45 minutes to complete each paper, and 80% is the pass rate on each paper.

At the end of the 2 days, delegates will be allowed to re-sit question papers for up to 2 units should they fail the required pass mark on their first attempt. NRSWA Re-assessment


NRSWA Operatives units 1-6 & 8 (including hot lay)

To provide delegates with the skills and knowledge to perform operative duties to the standards prescribed by CABWI in-line with the NRSWA Act 1991 to safeguard themselves and others.  NRSWA Operatives Units 1-6 & 8 (including Hot Lay)


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